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Σπάνιο στα χρονικά του Αγίου Όρους και της Ορθοδοξίας: Αφρικανός βασιλιάς βαπτίστηκε Χριστιανός(βίντεο)

Αυτός είναι ο Αφρικανός βασιλιάς Tchiffi Zae Jean Gervais της φυλής των Krou στην Ακτή του Ελεφαντοστού που ταξίδεψε μέχρι το . Ήταν μία επιθυμία και ένα όνειρο ζωής όπως φαίνεται.

Ο Αφρικανός βασιλιάς βαπτίστηκε  από τον Ιερομόναχο Διονύσιο της Μονής Κουτλουμουσίου δίνοντάς του το όνομα Δαβίδ.

Ο βασιλιάς Tchiffi Zie Jean Gervais υπηρετεί επίσης ως Γενικός Γραμματέας του Φόρουμ των Βασιλέων, των Πριγκίπων και των Παραδοσιακών ηγετών της Αφρικής, που ιδρύθηκε τον Αύγουστο του 2008 στη Βεγγάζη και έχει έδρα στο Sirte της Λιβύης.

Στο παρακάτω βίντεο μπορέιτε να δείτε βίντεο με τον :

Η χώρα του, η Ακτή Ελεφαντοστού (γαλλικά: République de Côte d’Ivoire) είναι χώρα της δυτικής Αφρικής με έκταση 322.460 τ.χλμ. και πληθυσμό 25.531.083 κατοίκους σύμφωνα με επίσημες εκτιμήσεις του 2019.

Συνορεύει στα νότια με τον κόλπο της Γουινέας, στα ανατολικά με την Γκάνα, στα βόρεια με την Μπουρκίνα Φάσο και το Μάλι, στα δυτικά με τη Γουινέα και τη Λιβερία. Πρωτεύουσα της χώρας είναι η Γιαμουσσούκρο, ενώ μεγαλύτερη πόλη και οικονομική πρωτεύουσα είναι το Αμπιτζάν. Η χώρα τα τελευταία χρόνια σπαράσσεται από εμφυλίους και πραξικοπήματα.

Το βιογραφικό του Βασιλιά

His Majesty Tchiffi Zie Jean Gervais
Forum of Sovereign and Traditional Leaders in Africa
Secretary General Permanent.

His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE Jean Gervais is recognized internationally as a humanitarian, visionary and an African Development activist. He is a world renowned figure that has advised the African Union and has addressed its general assembly and Heads of Government on several occasions. He is recognized by the Pan-African Parliament as a sober minded thinker and philosopher. He has interacted with leaders of major blocks like the European Union.

His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE has assisted tremendously in the establishment of the Forum of Sovereign and Traditional Leaders of Africa, a body that seeks to focus on the rural development of Africa at large. He was re-elected as Secretary General Permanent during a gathering of Sovereigns and Traditional Leaders in Equitorial Guinea during September 2013.

His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE Jean Gervais was born 1 November 1952 in Dadane, Côte d’Ivoire. Married to Queen Maria Berthi ZIE.

King Tchiffi ZIE is fluent in French, Italian and Bete and can understand
Being born an Ivorian, His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE has always had a heart not only for Côte d’Ivoire, but for Africa as a whole. His gratious ways make him a respected leader and a visionary that demands respect from leadership across the globe.
After being appointed as the Permanent Secretary General of the Forum of Sovereigns and Traditional Leaders of Africa, His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE finally had the support required to change the face of Africa as we know it. His inborn passion for community development and sustainable social upliftment is core to the many successes he has had in African Kingdoms.
Acting as a mediator between the African Kingdoms and presidency across the continent is one of the many hats that His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE wears with confidence, ensuring that peace and resolve takes its due course.

His Majesty Tchiffi Zie was aware that the founding fathers of Pan Agricanism, that advocated the humanism and unity of Africa, and who knew the history of the black man, laid the foundation of the deep need and reflection of the return of the Diaspora to Africa. From 2015, His Majesty Tchiffi Zie actively started to promote the return of his people, his children, who are displaced Africans all over the world due to slavery. The 6th Region was born out of his passion and work to secure the return of the African Diaspora to the African Kingdoms as well as preventing the many who die yearly in the Mediterranean sea.
Some of His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE’s recent activities include, at the request of the Forum Sovereign and Traditional Leaders in Africa, that the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI), made pursuant to the request for capacity building of fifty members of this organization, His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE believes that conflicts prevented or managed well will strengthen the protection of civilians, an important link in Resolution 2162 of the Security
Council of the United Nations. Thus, the attending leaders have given their guarantee for certain economic
development, among others for national reconciliation.

Forum of Sovereign and Traditional Leaders in Africa The Forum is well positioned politically, but change needs to happen within our communities as this is where our
hearts and homes lies. Transformation in Africa can only take place through skills development, technology,
education, local economic development activities and enterprise development. This is the reason why HisMajesty Tchiffi ZIE was key in forming a partnership with the Righteous Funds of Africa (RFOA).

Under the leadership of His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE, the Forum continues to bring change to a Continent where
foreign exploration is making headlines on a daily basis. The Forum is assisting the African people to become sustainable, independent and self-sufficient in order to be able to meet their people’s needs. Creating small transformation units in every village and Kingdom and helping African Presidents to meet the challenges of establishing stability in their country.
Social Responsibility and conscience
The need to transfer both life and educational skills weighs heavily on His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE’s heart, and seeking to see a transformed, unified African Continent, with the restoration of Kingdoms in Africa being his main motivation.

Professional History
• Founder of the Royal Fund of Africa
• Secretary General Permanent of the Forum of Sovereigns and Traditional Leaders in Africa
• Secretary General of the Ivorian Coast Kings Association
• Chief (King) of Krou
• Central Chief of Payopa (Chief of Township)
• General Manager of the Italian-Ivorian Investment Company (SIII.SA)
• Director of Foreigner Trade at Techno-system in Italy
• Programmer Analyst in Computer Management
• Database Administrator
• Project Manager
• Expert in Project Conception
Core Skills
• Accustomed to successfully addressing international role-players
• Passionate about Development throughout the African Continent
• Thrives in change and committed to sustainable development
• Analytical, independent thinker and problem solver
• Acts as mediator between African Presidents and Kingdoms
• Self-driven, ambitious visionary
• Excellent communication skills
• Good negotiator

His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE believes that a united Africa should measure its weight via leadership at local level.
The important role this can play in the prevention and management of conflicts is unfathomable. However,
this requires all levels of leadership to adhere to efforts of local governance. Essentially, His Majesty Tchiffi ZIE
through the Forum of Sovereigns and Traditional Leaders in Africa wants to strengthen these leaders’ power,
and resultantly their authority. When they have status it allows them to exercise more power in their localities.

In conclusion it is appropriate to develop a comprehensive plan to strengthen their capacity and make them more suitable for the task.


Email: [email protected]

Tchiffi ZIE online
YouTube Channel

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